And then I'll be happy...

And then I'll be happy...
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

When I get this car THEN I'll be happy... when I achieve that goal THEN I'll be happy... and then... and then... haven't we all said that to ourselves?

When I get that and that, then I'll be happy.

Let me tell you a little story:

The story from Jay:

Jay always said "When I finish school, then I'll be happy!"
Well Jay eventually finished school but he wasn't happy.

So Jay said "when I get a Job THEN I'll be happy."
He got a job but he still wasn't happy.

Then he said, "when I have a family, kids and settle down THEN I'll be truly happy."
So Jay got married, settled down and had two kids... But as it was Jay still wasn't happy.

Then Jay said "okay, but when the kids are out of the house and I'm retired THEN I'll be happy."
But as before the kids left home he retired but he still wasn't happy.

Then Jay started to go to the church. Someone asked him, why he goes to the church so often?"
Jay responded, "well you know when I die THEN I'll be happy..."

Don't be like Jay!

As sad as this story is, if you look inside yourself you can identify yourself with Jay! We could replays Jay with Jou, Thomas, Jordan you name it and the story would still fit.  

Don't get caught in that "and then - mentality". If you think like that you'll end up like Jay still chasing the next thing and never truly be happy.
Be happy with what you have right now.

Be grateful for everything. Be grateful that you can walk, that you have a job, that you have a roof over your head. Sometimes we forget how blessed we are with where we are right now.

Be grateful for what you have in this moment. Yes, it's important to have goals and chase the next thing. But from time to time you have to step back, take your time and just be grateful. Enjoy what you have and what you accomplished and just be present and happy in the moment.

In this fast paced world we tend to forget that every moment is unique and we can't relive those moments ever again. Every moment is special and you will never get that moment back. Every breath, every step all of it is unique and you can't take the same breath twice.

Take a step back

Sometimes we have to take a step back and just enjoy the moment. When you always go ahead and race to the next "and then" you'll be running and running and at some point your life is in the end state and you never really enjoyed it!

Have a goal, but don't forget to take a step back from now and then and just enjoy the moment! - Dario Meyer

What we remember!

In the end the only things we remember and have in our memories are all those funny and absurd stories we have experienced with our friend and families.

We don't remember those appointments at work or the hours we put in to finish the project on time... those are not the memories we have when we look back.

You don't believe me. Let's do a little mind game. We say this is your last day on earth. You know there wont be a tomorrow. Now with the fact knowing that your life is going to end think back and reflect on your life.

Really take a moment and reflect on all the happy and fun stuff you were blessed enough to enjoy...

The things you remember are all those emotional, happy and funny things you experienced in life. But never some specific deadline at work or something like that.

Make memories you will look back once your life ends! Otherwise you'll be facing death and having  regrets on not creating more of those memories.

Now is the moment now you can creat then. Later could already be to late...

Be present, be happy and make moments you'll remember and look back with a smile! - Dario Meyer

Hope you enjoyed todays post and could take some inspiration out of it. Enjoy life and creat moments you want to look back on.

As always thanks for reading and till next week :)