About me...

About me...
Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

Hello and thank you for visiting my blog! I'm Dario Meyer, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics at HSLU on a part-time basis, right here in Switzerland. This blog is my platform to delve into interests that go beyond my routine as a student and a professional.

I want to find out all that can be found out and share my process along with all of you. As Kirill Korshikov sayd:

Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stops Teaching – Kirill Korshikov

Life is an infinit learning curfe. With the technology we have today the knowledge we can gain is limitless. There is so much to scout and to learn that it isnt even possible not to learn something new. But sometimes exactly that can be overwhelming. You dont know what to learn or where to get your information from.

That is what i want to accomplish with this blog. Having a reservoir of knowledge and thoughts. Not just from me but also from the whole community.

Sort of a daily newsletter with inspiration, knowledge and positivity and this combined with a community where all the ideas can be discussed.

In the end we are all life long learners as Kirill Korshikov sayd and together we can learn even more.

What are you waiting for!