Control what you can control!

Have you ever heard of unforced errors?

If you play Tennis you should have and also in some other sports it could have occurred from now and then.

For those who aren't into sports here a short definition.
An unforced error is an error made by the player itself and not caused by the skill or effort of the opponent.
For example in Tennis a double fault with the service is an unforced error.

When you make enough of them your opponent will win against you without even having to do something for it. You'll lose because of your own mistakes.

This principle is not only true in sports but can also be transformed into your daily life.

You make mistakes that are not necessary!

Everyday we make mistakes that are not necessary. Mistakes that are hurting us, hurting our career, hurting our relationships.

You come to work late, you miss a meeting, you go to class without your pen and your paper, you don't do your homework, you don't do your research...

These are things that you are doing to yourself to hurt yourself.  

People already know, he will never be on time, he will make a mistake, he's not detail oriented, he never sees things through, she's not a woman of her word...

Unforced errors... these are all unnecessary! And all the people will grade you based on those mistakes!

Acknowledge it!

As I said in the last post we all know what those things are. We know exactly what they are but we don't want to step up to them. And if you really don't know ask some friends or colleagues to give you a honest feedback.
But im sure you'll find it out by your own.

Do something about it - Control what you can control!

Now that you know what those things are do something about them!

You can control being on time, you can control waking up on time, you can control getting to bed on time, you can control going to cals, you can control doing your homework!

Control what you can control and start being consistent with it!

Do all your homework, go to class early, become consistent!

And once you get to that point when you're avoiding all your unforced errors your live will start to transform into something you can't imagine!

What you can't control:

And yes there are things that you can't control. You can't control the weather, you can't control someones else's behaviour. And trying to control those is a waste of energy and we shouldn't bother getting angry at those things.

But what I'm asking you is to control what you can control.
Get rid of those unforced errors in your life, get consistante with what you do and what you say and see how your life will transform into something truly astonishing!

Control getting up, control getting to work on time... get your homework done on time, prepare for your exams, give it your all in those business meetings... all these things you can control so control them and eliminate those unforced errors!

Hope you found some inspiration in todays post and could take something away from it!

Tell me what you think about it on social media :)

As alway thank you for reading and till next week ✌️