Diary #2 - Nobody in this world knows you like you do...

Diary #2 - You may say that this is an obvious statement. But still I shortly wanne take a moment and talk about it and some thoughts that run with it in todays diary post :)

When you think about it it's clear that no one can possibly be able to know you as you do. There is so much stuff within you, so much thoughts that you can't even share all of them even if you would try.

But on an other level, the way other people see you can easily be influenced by your words and actions.

And in my opinion that can be a very stressful thing. Let's say that you know someone for a little while. This person has painted his/her picture of you and has a briefe imagination on how he/she sees you as a person.

Not let's say that person is important to you. Every action you take could, if we think in a very dramatic order, ruin what you have with that person.
Of couse there is communication and you can alway talk things out with each other.

But still. The fact that one action and one action only could repaint someone else's picture of you completely, can be truly scary.
And that could lead to beeing scared to really open up on who you are and stop you from being you! (More on that at the end!)

The longer you know someone of course, the slimmer the risk of that scenario to actually happen.

But especially with people you don't know for very long or even just met or just known them for about 1 hour, that first impression or those actions you decide to make could paint a complete different picture of you, then you actually would describe yourself.

Be You:

But like everything there is an other side of that medal. And that is, in my opinion, more important then everything I wrote above.  
The actions we take and the words we speak, is the picture that gets painted. Those actions are what mekes you, you. Those actions are those, from which of other people will paint their picture of you.

In my opinion the number one and most important thing is; you should just be you. Everyone has a perception on how you should live your life. We allow opinions of others to dictate our lives. Just because it's the "right" thing to do does't mean you have to do it.

Today's society puts so much pressure on all of us... to fit in, to be accepted. But we are all individuals. We are not the same. And if you disagree then lets build robots that live on that planet and eliminate all humans... Cause our individualism, our feelings, our thoughts, even the crazy once, those are the things that make us human!

So be a human being, be you and don't let anybody tell you what you should and should't do.


Even when being you means that someone might not like you. At least that is who you are.

What is the point of creating a person (changing yourself) just so that someone else will like you... kinda silly. We change us so that people, society likes us... but in that process we loose ourselves or worse don't even know who we are anymore...

Be you and you'll attract the people that like the real you!

So in the future, if your stressed out on what your actions might have for an impact, just be you.
Don't try to fit in or do what society told you to do. Do whatever you think is the right thing to do!

If you do so, there is no way that someone could paint the wrong picture of you, because your actions resemble who you are! And there will be people that won't like that picture and thats alright...
Because you'll be attracting the people that really resonate with you and like the REAL YOU! - not some version you created just to be more likeable.

I hope you enjoyed todays post and mabey can take something away from it.
Thx for reading and see you all next week :)