The principle of achieving your goals by Tony Robbins | Should vs Must

The principle of achieving your goals by Tony Robbins | Should vs Must
Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

Last week we talked about how to follow through on your new year resolutions. This week I'll provide you as promised with the second part of the "Magic Formula". The Motivation!

Todays inspiration:

Todays post is inspired by Tony Robbins and a principle he talked about in one of his seminars.
For those who don't know Tony Robbins, he's an American life and business strategist and coached some of the finest athletes such as Serena Williams and much more. He's a huge inspiration for me and definitely worth checking out!

Tonny Robbins

The Principle to stay motivated:

If I could give you one thing, one advice to actually follow through on your goals it would be this one here and nothing else. This is the reason why some people get what they wan't and others don't. Why some have success and others just seem to be stuck at one place.

It's all about the standards you have. Or as Tony Robbins puts it, about your should and musts.

We all have our shoulds. Things that we should do. They would sound something like this:

  • "I should go to the gym."
  • "I should wake up on time."
  • "I should read more books."
  • "I should take care of my nutrition."

But those shoulds don't have any priority. You procrastinate or find 100 of excuses why not to do them. And at the end of the year, you find yourself still at the same place as you were at the beginning.

You get frustrated, that you still couldn't make those shoulds happen and again our  foremen negative gets in control. From there the negative spiral starts and it seems the whole world is agains you.

Or as Tony puts it "You should all over yourself."

If you still haven't read the post about the two foremen in our mind, I can't stress it enough. It's such an amazing principle and it teaches you on how you can get out of those negative spirals. Please go check it out :)
| The two foremen in our mind |

Turn your shoulds into a must:

But now what.... You know exactly, that all those shoulds you have are good for you and if you would step up and actually go all in on those, your life will change drastically!
But still time goes by and you still haven't done anything...

Here is where you have to turn your should into a must!

We human beings are wired to do just the absolute minimum to survive. This is the standard that you set for yourself . The bare minimum to live a comfortable life.
This is your comfortzone.

Everything that is in your comfort zone is a must to you. Now, in order to follow through on your shoulds you have to make a must out of them. You have to break out of your comfort zone and do more.

You have to adjust your Standards!

At the beginning it will be very hard but once you adjust to your new standards it will become normal to you and you can't think them away anymore.

For example the gym. If you expand your standards and say, that you must go to the gym 3 times a week, then your mind and body adapt to your new standard. It will be normal to just go to the gym for 3 times a week. You don't know anything else and your should turns into a must. You must go to the gym 3 times a week.
It's what you have set yourself for your new standard.

And this standards are exactly what makes the difference between success and failure!

But still it could be hard to actually make that step and make a must out of your should. But luckily there is a little trick that will help you with that.  

Burn the boats

Let's say you go on a survival trip on an island. You travel there with a boat and you should stay for at least 30 days. But this is your own little challenge. Sure,  you could try to make a must out of that should to be positive that you will stay on that island for those 30 days. But there is a much more effective way to be assured that you make it happen.

Burn the Boat!

If you burn the boat you don't have any other chance then stay on that island for at least the 30 days! You will accomplish what you have set yourself as the goal and this with 100 percent.

And this doesn't just apply for  your goals. This applies to everything in life. Every new habit you want to start. Everything that you know would be good or beneficial for you, if you would just start with it.

Make a must out of your shoulds. Burn all your boats on your island, because when you can't go back, you must do it. There is just one way! (Your should becomes a must!)

Apply this to everything you want to achieve and in no time you will achieve tremendous amount of success.  Stepping out of your comfort zone becomes a daily and normal thing to you. All those shoulds you had before are now a must. And it is in your mind that you MUST to them.

  • "I MUST go to the gym."
  • "I MUST wake up on time."
  • "I MUST read more books."
  • "I MUST take care of my nutrition."

And as a end result foremen positive steps in front of your brain and you'll get floated with positivity. You'll be in such a flow of positive thoughts and achievements, you wouldn't have thought possible before!

Make a must out of your should and see how your life will transform into something truly astonishing! - Dario Meyer

In the end we don't get what we want, we get what we have to have. So raise your standards. Eliminate those shoulds! Make musts out of them and see your life evolve into a new dimension you couldn't even dream of!

With that said hope you'll have an amazing 2022 and remember to make a MUST out of your shoulds.
If your curious and want to know, what the best strategy is to actually follow through on your new years resolutions, go check last weeks post out. I've linked it down below :)

How to follow through on your new year resolutions | The Magic Formula for 2022...
Around this time of the year there are thousands of people who start recapping the past year and listing what went good and what not so good. In conclusion of that they set themselves new year resolutions for the next year. But as so often those resolutions carry on till

Hope you enjoyed this weeks post. If so let me know in the comments or on my social media :)

As always, wish you all an amazing evening and see you next week!