Is there a Purpose in life...

Is there a Purpose in life...
Photo by Jordan Madrid on Unsplash

This might be a question we all have asked our selves at least once in our life's...
"Why am I here...." or "Is there a purpose for beeing here..."

I'm asking myself that question a lot. Is there a reason for being here or is it just random. Is there something I have to fulfil or something I'm meant to do...

And if there was something that I'm meant to do or meant to be then what is it... and what if I'm doing the complete opposite of that...

Is your purpose something that should make you happy... Is it something that leads you through life and once you found it everything will become clear...

And if so should you quit everything and just go after your purpose? Or might be the thing you're trying to avoid or trying to quit on be the thing that leads you to your purpose...?

Questions over questions... but is there even an answer to all of that...
Thats what I try to break down in todays post.

Definition of Purpose by dictionary:

"the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists."

Based on that definition the first question might be, if we were created for a specific reason. And I don't think so.
I don't think that there is a specific reason for us humans to be created for. As every other speciec we evolved from something into what we are now.

And what we make out of that is solely up to us.

What about us as individuals?

The thought of having a purpose in life and not just being here to be here is a nice one.

It might give you that extra motivation to make something in your life and not just "be".

But what I think is, that you don't get born with your purpose. Your purpose is something that evolves out of your habits and standards that you set for yourself.

If you're 300 pounds your purpose won't be to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. And if you're just sitting around doing nothing your purpose equally won't be to be the next Stephe Jobs.

I think you're getting where I'm trying to go with that.

Everyone can have a purpose but if and what for a purpose you might have is all up to you.

The shift in purpose

When your 20 year's old and think that being the next CEO of Microsoft is your purpose then that is fine. Our purpose is not one thing that is fixed. It something that can change over time.

But equally don't just switch your purpose just cause it's getting hard. You have to have the right balance. Which is not always easy and the thought of chasing the wrong thing is as depressing as doing nothing.

In the end it's the thing that makes you happy what you should persue.

Set your own purpose to life cause no one is going to do it for you! - Dario Meyer

And your purpose doesn't have to be some crazy thing like inventing the next electric car. You have to make your own purpose in life. Even when it is "just" trying to give back what you've received from your family and friends.

It's all up to you and you should persue what feels right for you.

What about a higher purpose, a purpose that is given to you?

The thought of having something that gives us our purpose is somehow calming. It takes away the pressure and would lead to just trusting in something coming along and putting that purpose in front of your doorstep.

Sadly no one ever will just deliver anything in front of your doorstep without taking any action. No degree will ever be just delivered to your mail with your name on it. "Oh, congratulations here is your doctors degree...". Thats not the case.

Some goes for your purpose. Yes, throughout your life there will be things that make more sense to be your purpose than others.

If we take Steve Harvey for instants, his purpose would have never ever been to be an english teacher. But him being a comedian is way more common to happen.

So your purpose is not given to you. It rather has a direct connection with your gifts, strength and habits that you form in your life.

What can we take away...

Focus on your gift, the thing you like to do and the thing you're good at. Try to evolve that and build habits around it.
With that your on the best way to get closer to your purpose.

Everyone has his own purpose in life and his own definition of purpose. What I think comes down to is, that whatever you like to do and whatever fulfils you, is what creates your purpose in life.

Purpose is not something that is given, more something that is created by you! - Dario Meyer

With that said hope you have a nice evening and see you all next week again :)
Let me know what you think about purpose and what purpose means to you.

As always, thanks for reading and I'm always pleased to hear your thoughts on the topic on social media or the comments down below :)