Live a little...

Live a little...
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Todays Post is inspired by the movie "Passengers" or to be precise from a clip of the movie, that I found on Instagram.

Watch the Clip if you haven't seen the movie already :) 👇

                                            Movie Clip "Passengers" with Chris Pratt

You're not where you want to be. You feel like you're supposed to be somewhere else. Well, say you could snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to be. I bet you'd still feel this way. Not in the right place. Point is, you can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are.

Take a break from worrying what you can't control. Live a little.

Live a little... just those three words really gave me goosebumps...

Sometimes we think so much about the future and our lifes that we litterly forget to live.

We try to make plans for the future and think ourself to death cause we haven't it all figured out yet... but the truth is we don't have to.

Sometimes we just have to "live a little" and put our worrys and thoughts aside and just enjoy the moment. Be in the present.

Sadly like with everything there is a flip side to that cain :)
For those who watched the movie know how that turns out... for all the others here is how the whole scene will turn out:

It really is important to be grateful and really live a little. When we forget that we're going to be at a place in life where we ask ourself if we have even enjoyed our life...

But on the other side if we just "live a little" and that motto takes over every aspect of our life, than it's likely that at some point you look back at your life with all those enjoyable moments but haven't really accomplished anything.

My point of view:

I really think you need both. As with a lot of things balance is the key!

The extreme of both sides isn't really the way you should go towards life.

To "live a little" you have to have the ressources. And those ressources, mostly money, come from activitys we don't really put in the "live a little" category.

But still they are neccesairy to get to the "live a little" mindset.

You really need both and have to find the right balance between them. Working or studying is good to provide for your future but don't be too hung up on having to have it all figured and laid out.

Take it step by step and don't forget to live a little on your journey through life.

Live a litte

And sometimes really just tell yourself "live a little" and through all your thoughts out the window and just enjoy :)

I think in todays society we tend to worry too much and this leads to a "workaholic" mentality to prevent us from those worries.

If all this worrying really helps, is written in the stars. We don't know it and mabey the thing you're worrying about now turns out to be a banal thing in the future that your going to laugh about.

What I take away from this clip is to don't worry too much sometimes and just live a litte!

I find it amazing how a little movie clip like that can make you feel a certain way and mabey even has a impact on your life or emotions :)

So for today just live a little enjoy the evening and till next week!

Hope you could take away some inspiration from todays post and that your having an amazing day!

See you all next week ✌️