About this blog

Hello fellow reader, you might ask yourself, what this website/blog is all about. So lets try to break it down with some basic questions:

What are the main topics on this blog?

The topics on the blog are wildly spread apart. There isnt “a” topic this whole blog will be about. But this is exactly what makes it interesting.

Why should I even bother to read?

Thinking is what we do as human beeings. And we all have our own way of life and are own principles and values. In my opinion thats amazingly valuable to have those important things in our life but from time to time we question our selfes and our values and in exact those moments it is, where this Blog should come in handy. I’ll try to put out my thoughts on all those questions we might have in life especially on the Unanswered Questions category of that blog. The idea is to get some inspiration and not just from me to you but also the other sinde around. The vision is to have a community that growth together and inspires each other every day to the new.

So what are you waiting for. Find out what interests you and tune in to the conversation. šŸ£