Step 1: The importants of a Schedule! | #transformation2022

Step 1: The importants of a Schedule! | #transformation2022
Photo by Artur Aldyrkhanov on Unsplash

The most important thing when it comes to the gym is being consistent. This is not just for the gym but for everything in your life.

Consistency is key!

But that is easier said than done. Most people can't even bother to start with something, let alone get consistent with it. It's not easy but doable and I want to show you how.

The Schedule:

The very first thing I would recommend anyone who wants to get started with the gym is to make a schedule.

Most people though, when they hear something like a schedule, think of school or anything like that where they had to follow a strict agenda during the day. So they automatically think of a schedule negatively.

But your schedule doesn't have to be a bloody prison you hate. You can design your schedule your own. It's not something that tells you that you have to do this and this and this....

You can and you should set your schedule up, that you can have the day you want.

The best possible day:

If you sit down and build your schedule you should set it up that you have the best possible day. How your best day looks like is fully up to you.

My tip is to look at your long term goals and then set your schedule the way that you get closer to those goals every day.
And remember you are setting your own schedule. When you know that you need rest after a long day at work then build that into your schedule. Build in rewards, breaks or activity you like.

Its not just the things you have to do that you should plan. Also all the stuff you want to do and the things that makes you happy that you should put into your schedule.

We're miserable and hit just 70% of what we plan:

In the end we are all just lazy people and hit 70% accuracy of what we have planned. But thats okay than 70% is heck a lot more than 0%.

And the problem with not planning your day is that you'll go to bed knowing that you haven't done anything. Your going to bed in worse shape then you woke up! After a couple of days like that you dig yourself in a hole of negativity that you cant get out anymore.

So try to hit those 70% and maybe the next week aim for 71% and then 72% so that you get better from week to week.

Plan your life to be in a better shape than the day before and to hit your long term goals!

You know what you want:

We all know what we want. You know it too! We know what we have to do to reach our goals and what we should do to transform our life... but most people are scared off the work and don't even start.

Don't be like most people and start with a schedule that sets you up for happiness and success!

Stop waisting 6 hours of your day on Social Media and use those 6 hours to improve yourself.

My Schedule:

Here is my Schedule just for inspirational purposes :). I can just recommend you to make your own. Even when you can't stick to it to 100% its still better then 0%.

The Plain:

Think about the schedule like that: A pilot flys the plain based on a compass. He knows which direction he has to fly to get to Australia for example. Without the compass he would never ever reach his destination and would aimlessly fly around.  

The same goes for you. The schedule is your compass! Without that you just randomly fly around in your life.

Make a schedule and see how you get closer to your goals from day to day!

What we can take away from todays post:

Let your schedule be your compass that leads to success! Without it you'll fly around aimlessly and never get what you desire! - Dario Meyer

Hope you enjoyed todays post and see you all next week :)