The best food choice to jumpstart your day!

Nutrition is a very important part of our life. Like fuel to a car we need it to function at our highest level.

But as much we need food we don't just need any food... its crucial to our body to get the right food at the right time.

For example, if we go back to our car, if you pump up the wrong gas into your car you won't come far and maybe even damage the car. And this just cause you have used the wrong fuel.

And our body is nothing else then our car and the nutrition is the fuel we put into it. Thats why it's very important what you put into your body if you want it to function at peak state.

What are the best foods in the morning:

Depending on the time some foods are more beneficial than others. Thats why it's not only important what but also when we eat which food.

Before we can start with what to eat we have to break down the calories which are ideal for a morning meal.

Fact is, that most of us don't eat enough protein in the morning. Normal cereals have almost none protein in them. But proteins are very important in the morning as several studies have shown.  

Protein intake recommendation

Benefits of a "high" protein breakfast can be:

  • Increasing muscle health
  • More energy due to the protein increase
  • Your fuller and don't have to snack
  • Helps offset late-night hunger
  • Mental state increase due to the energy increase

Also a recent study looked at the effect of a high protein breakfast compared to a high fat or high carbohydrate breakfast. Participants consuming a high protein breakfast (30% protein) had improved blood sugar control and insulin levels after consuming carbohydrates 4 hours after the hight protein breakfast.

Although every persons calorie intake is individual and can vary from person to person also depending on their goal, experts estimate that average daily consumption at breakfast should be broken down to 300 - 400 calories.

For those who are into the game of calorie counting or have had counted their calorie intake in the past, the following information will be more useful than to others. Those 300 - 400 calories can be broken down as follows:

25 - 30 gram of protein (108 Calories) 30%
40-45 gram of carbohydrates (175 Calories) 50%
9 gram of fat (81 Calories) 20%

Look out for that 30/50/20 %-ratio and you should be fine.

For all the other's here some a link with some ideas on how a 30 gram protein breakfast can look like:


In my opinion the "best" breakfast should still be something that you can enjoy. If you're not into fitness you should't be counting macros just get those 30 gram of protein.

But what we can take away from that is that we should be more aware of our protein intake in the morning. A standard breakfast in Europe usually doesn't have any or very view protein in it.

Be aware of that and try to switch some Carbohydrates out for proteins to have a better and more balanced diet.

Hope you found todays post useful and if so let me know in the comments or on instagram :)

Till next week and thx for reading ✌️