The hustle Culture...

The hustle Culture...
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Haven't we all heard these Quotes from time to time:

"Only dead fish go with the flow" - Andy Hunt

"You get out what you put in. If you want more, give more." - Jeanette Jenkins

"Most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep!" - Eric Thomas

"No pain, no gain" - Jane Fonda

Especially in todays world, where quotes like that are browsing on the Internet like sand at the sea. Motivating people to do more and more and never stop not even when your tired. But how good is it really to "grind" 24/7 and never take breaks cause doing a break is like "wasting" your time.... or isnt it?

Right now there are two controversies on the market if you want so. One is the "hustle culture" and the other one the "buy this program and you get rich in 7 days" scheme, which is the total opposite from the hustle culture perspective.

In my opinion both are wrong but one of those is a total scam anyway. Obviously all those programs who promise enormous amount of success over night are total bs. It attracts all the people who don't want to work, but more then giving the creator of the program free money is not behind it.
I don't say its not possible to get an enourmous amaunt of money in a short term. But there is no rulebook/guide for that. The only way is to get lucky in the lottery or extremely lucky in the stock-market. Other than that overnight success is not really possible.

The other side of the medal is the hustle culture. The mentors who tell you that you have to get up at 3 am in the morning, grind, eat, sleep and repeat to get successful. As in my post "Why do we strive for something bigger?" explained is this definitely a way to success. But not without a prise.
The thought of grinding your a** off and getting sucessfull is a plesent one. And also makes sense, as Elon Musk explained the benefit of working 120 hours per week vs. 40 hours.

But in my opinion also this is not the perfect formula. Let me tell you a short story I heard of Simeon Sinek to illustrate my point:

The story is about two lumberjacks who both start chopping wood at 8am and work till 5pm. But every day one of those lumberjacks dissapiers for about an hour in the middle of the day. And surprisingly every day he chops more wood then the other guy. This goes on for month and eventually the lumberjack who works all day says "I dont understand, every day we start at the same time and finish work at the same and every day you dissapear for one hour and still chop more wood then I am. Where do you go for that hour?"
The other lumberjack responds, "oh, I'm going home and sharpen my axe."

What you can take out of that story is:
Hustle, but dont forget to sharpen your Axe from now ant then. Cause its not about how much work you can do in one Year. Its about how much work can you put out throughout your carreer. If you hustle for one year like an idiot but then are burnt out and can't work anymore and have to take a gap year to get back to your normal state its not productive.

Do it like the lumberjack who sharpens his axe and take some time off from time to time. In the end it's all about the right balance.

Grind, hustle and work your ass off but don't neglect your personal health! - Dario Meyer

Listen to your body and take your time when you need it. If you do so there is nothing in the way of success.

There isn't a single thing that cant be achieved when you have the right mindset!

You can do anything you set your mind to! - Ben Franklin

With those last words I hope you enjoyed the Blog-Post. I'm stunned to read your opinions on the topic down below in the comments.