The number one dream killer...

Do you know where the wealthiest place on earth is....? No, its not Chine... not America and also not Switzerland..... it's the graveyard!
As absurd as this may sound at first, it's true!

At the graveyard you'll find millions of ideas millions of thoughts, never acted on... books who never got written, songs never sang, speeches never spoken, inventions never invented, people never realised...

Sad but true. All those people had dreams like you and me. Had a gift or imagination on what they want to pursue in their life. Sadly they could never live out their dream.

Life goes by so fast and there is no reason for you not to start pursuing your dreams. The longer you wait the more time slips out of your fingers. Time you could use to get closer to your dream.

You have one life:

Every moment in your life is precious. There is no breath you can take twice... no rewind button to go back.

With that in mind make sure to use your time wisely. If you really have a dream or a gift you want to turn into reality you have to start now!

You probably are already familiar with the quote:

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. – Chinese Proverb
Photo by niko photos on Unsplash

We all had those thoughts in our mind  "If I would have just started 10 year ago I would be so and so...".
You can't deny it.  We all had those thoughts in our life. But the worst thing would be, having thoughts like that when your 80 or 90 years old. When it's too late to start with something new. Too late to turn your life around in the way you wanted it to be.  

Thats why, you have to start planting your tree now. Move towards your dreams and goals now. Not later. Otherwise you'll be facing death with nothing but regret and "what if's...".

The naysayers:

The problem with most people is, they never even bothered to try. They give in to all those people who told them that they can't. Or even worse they believe within themselves that they can't do it.

Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try. - Jack Canfield

Never let someone else talk you out of your dream.

Everyone tells you how to do it and what you should do and that it's not worth pursuing your dreams.... But the only reason they tell you that is cause they themselves couldn't do it so how on earth should you be able to do it?

Don't listen to them:

The average person dies at 25 but is buried at 75... don't let people burry your dreams before you have even started living.

There is nothing that cant be accomplished. Every imagination you have can become reality. Like Einstein said:

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. - Albert Einstein
Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Whatever you can imagine you can get. There is nothing that isn't possible if you believe in it and put in the work. Never give up on your dreams and never ever let someone else tell you that you can't!

Start planting your tree now! Not later, not tomorrow, NOW! Before you know it your life is over and your idea is one of those millions of ideas that could never  reach their potential.

Don't wait till it's too late. Go after your dreams and make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Get to work. Plant your tree now and make your dreams become reality! - Dario Meyer

What are your dreams? And why are you still waiting to get after them?
Let me know on social media or in the comments down below!

As always, thank you for reading and see you next Sunday :)