The remarkably stupid things that we are doing... - and how to overcome them

Todays Post is inspired by Jordan Peterson.
He is a Canadian clinical psychologist, author and professor at University of Toronto.

If you want to learn more about him, then click on the picture below.

Jordan Peterson

In a speech he said following which made me think:

Sit on your bed one day and ask yourself, what remarkably stupid things am I doing on a regular bases to absolutely screw up my life? - Jordan Peterson

It's surprising, when you actually try this and really ask yourself that question, how fast you actually get an answer.

But somehow I think everyone is running away from that question. Cause we all know what it is, what we are doing from day to day that ruin our lives.

We eat crapy food, we decide to not go to the gym, we decide to procrastinate one more time... and so on.
We know exactly what it is that we do from a day to day bases that screw's us up.

But still we keep going and going and don't have the energy or the courage to change anything about it.

With that post I want to give you that initial motivation to change exactly that.

The 5 steps to change:

Usually I really don't like those "Step by Step" programs. But in this case I'll show you some steps to get over that one stupid thing that you're doing every day.

Step One - Evaluate the one thing you want to change

First you have to find the one thing you're not satisfied about. Or in other words ask yourself "what remarkably stupid things am I doing on a regular bases to absolutely screw up my life?"

Step Two - Write it down

Write that one thing down very specific and in your words. What is it that bothers you and how does it show itself.

Step Three - What are your daily rituals that put you there

Write the rituals down that keep you at that place. Which rituals are holding you back from putting those "bad" habits behind you.

Step four - What do you want

Imagine what your life will look like when you overcome those habits. How would you feel, what will change in your life and how would it improve.

Step five - What are your rituals

Write the rituals down that put you into the place you imagined yourself in step four. What rituals do you have to follow to actually get rid of that one thing.

When you go through those five steps, you're much more likely to get rid of those bad habits. Motivation doesn't last long. But rituals last for a lifetime when you practice them every day.

Hope you found some help and inspiration in todays post.
Thank you for reading and till next week :)