Project - #Transformation2022

Project - #Transformation2022
Photo by Samuel Girven on Unsplash

Motivation is nothing without action. That's why I want to create the Project #Transformation2022!

With the right mindset you already have an huge launching pad for 2022. But if you really want to take 2022 to an other level your body also plays a big part into that.

Thats why getting both of them into peak state will make your 2022 a year you'll never forget.

The project #transformation2022 is exactly that and with it I want to help you get your body and health to a level it never was before.

How does the project #transformation2022 work?

The projects main focus is on your health and body. Everything you need to know from nutrition to fitness will be published on this blog. The internet has so much information to provide but that makes it hard to know which information is the right and which not.

I have now over 15 years of experience in sports and more then 8 years experience when it comes to fitness. I want to give forward that knowledge and teach you a better and more healthy lifestyle.

In 2022 I want to evolve my body and I want to take you along with me! With regularly updates I'll give you tips, tricks and everything you need to know related to fitness!

You want more than just the weekly posts?

If you really are determined and want to give it your all you can participate in the #transformation2022 yourself.

Most people cant hold themselves accountable when it comes to fitness. They quit within the first 2-3 month. Here is where I want to give you that extra accountability to follow through with your goals this year.

What can I expect when I participate?

If you choose to participate you'll be part of the whole project and you can upload posts into the #Gym section of this Blog.

There will be a starting post with your goals, your current mindset and a lot more about you that all the readers know who you are and what your goal is.  You can give as much or as less information as you want. It's completely up to you.

After that you'll be having weekly accountability calls or texts with me or other participants who hold you accountable. An accountability buddy if you will so that makes sure you are on track.

Or you can share weekly updates on the blog with your progress and obstacles. It really is all up to you.

The goal is that others can follow your journey and be inspired to do the same. At the end of the challenge there will be a finishing post that shows your progress and what you have achieved during the year.

If you're not sure if you want to participate don't be shy and just hit me up. We can talk all the details through on social media.

You want to participate but your english isn't good enough?

No problem. If you speak german I'll be translating all your texts into english for you. Or you can try to write them and I will have a look at the grammar and spelling.

As encouragement my english isn't perfect at all but that shouldn't be the thing that's holding you back.

First Participant:

The first participant of the challenge is myself. There you can see a little how it all works out and in which direction it goes.

A little different to all the other things I uploaded so far but I'm excited to hopefully inspire some people to do more then they think they can and maybe even participate in the challenge themselves.

So stay tuned for next weeks post and future posts on the topic health and motivation.

As always thanks for reading see you next week :)