Why do we strive for something bigger?

I think I can speak for a majority of people when I say, that we all want more out of life. We all dream of owning a nice house at a beach with an amazing view on the sea.

But do we all think that way, or are those just some crazy thoughts that especially young people have?

The two choices:

In the end, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, we have two choices. Either we want more out of life and achieve something bigger or we are satisfied with what we have and stay where we are. What we do comes down to how convenient the life is right now and how much we want it to change.

Thats why a lot of people who are successfull had a total different background then the 0815 citicen. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or Eric Thomas to name a few who were homeless, had no money or even worse. And now they both own company's and have had a large amount of success.
If this success leads to happiness is a total different questions and will be covered in an separate blog post.
But these people had it full of living life in theyr current states and did what ever they could to achieve greatness.

So to come to a conclusion. Yes, we all want more in life but how much do we really want it and is it worth the work we have to put in, or are we "okay" with how life is going right now. A lot of people if not all want something bigger and better. But they want to get that in an instant and as soon as it comes to work they stop cause it's just too much effort. Life right now is "okay" for them so they don't see why to work so hard just to get more.

To sum it up in one little phrase:

We want to achiev what is achievable in an conveniant way. Everything above that comes down to how much we really want to change and sacrefice. - Dario Meyer

As a young person you dream of so much, of all those successful people, but you don't see all the hard work behind it. Thats why you won't be able to get to that high level of success. You see the achievement but not the consistent work you have to put in over years and years to get to it.

And again it comes down to the two choices. Either you want it bad enough and you're going to get it. Or you're okay with how it is and stay where you don't have to work and still can live life.

Me for myself I want more out of it. Thats why I started this blog. I'm willing to sacrifice and work hard to hopefully achieve my dreams one day.

But could there be a negative about always wanting more and working towards those goals? To find this out I wrote a new blog post where I philosophised about "The Hustle Culture". If you're interested just click on it to get to the post.

As always hope you enjoyed and I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the Topic down below in the comments.