Why you should pursue your dreams...?

Why you should pursue your dreams...?
Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

Call them your goals, your dreams, your passion, the naming doesn't matter. You all know what I'm talking about. Why you should pursue your dream and what mindfulness has to do with it is exactly, what I want to address in todays post.

But first and foremost, this post is highly inspired by Dr. Cesar Parra with who my little self was lucky enough to have a talk about mindfulness today. For those who doesn't know him, he's an American dressage rider who competet multiple times in the Olympics and won a lot of titles in this area. I don't really understand much about dressage riding but what I can tell for sure, is that this man is so amazing when it comes to mindfulness and coaching in those areas its just unbelievable! If you haven't already check him out. His homepage is linked down below.

Dr. Cesar Parra Dressage (formally Piaffe-Performance) Training with Dr. Cesar Parra
Dr. Cesar Parra Dressage (formally Piaffe-Performance) and his team provide full-service dressage horse training tailored based on the needs of the individual horse and rider. Dressage Horses

There is one part of the conversation I had with Dr. Cecar Parra, that is still stuck in my head. Or to put it correctly he spoke to my sister but I was just blown away by what and how he said it.

My sister is also in the horse riding scene and of course she and Dr. Cesar Parra started talking about the riding. Then Dr. Cesar Parra asked her, what she's doing besides riding and she responded with, "I'm working in the retail business." Where he instantly dug deeper and asked her, if she likes it there and what she's doing.
With a little thought she responden with a no.

He asked her, why she wouldn't then pursue horse riding as a profession if she anyway didn't really like her job. The respond was as expected defensive: "oh, I don't have the money... Riding is way to expensive, its not possible to do it as an profession."
His simple but amazing answer got me thinking.. he responded,

"To do something as an profession, you have to make money out of it. All you have told me is how you have to spend money. But the thing is to make money with it, it doesn't matter how less but just try to make some money out of it. And you told me you don't like your job so rather make a little money with something you like then with something you don't."

And that hit me. Even though he wasn't even talking to me I could 100% relate.
The only reason not to persue your dreams is our small limited thinking of why we can't do it. Why whe are to small to dumb to poor to afraid, you name it. You'll always find something why someone else is better then you in what you want to persue. But in the end it's about the mindset.
My sister instantly thought of why she couldnt do it, why its not possible, instead of focusing on how she could try to get payd for what she loves to do. But she limited herself by her own thinking.

He told her, that she could pursue her passion for a year and give it all she got and if it didn't work out, she could still go back to her job she had.

And thats just so amazing! I mean imagine you give it your all and really follow your passion for a year. Chances are you find a way to make some money out of it within that year. If not you know at least that you tried and have probably learned a bunch of stuff that you can do better next time. It's a win, win situation. When you think about it very simple thought process but in my opinion an important one.

And there we get in to the mindfulness. You attract what you ask for. If you pursue your passion for a year and you have a vision with how you want it to go, chances are pretty high in my opinion, that you will make some great progress towards that goal. Once that snowball is rolling, it just gets bigger and bigger from there. And when you see some results, your motivation will skyrocket and affect all the areas you're working on.

What we can take out of that:

If you have a dream or a passion, make something out of it. Persue it, make it reality. In the end you walk away as a winner no matter the outcome! - Dario Meyer

And all that, all those topics about mindfulness is one part, that I want to talk about on that Blog. About why we even start thinking like my sister, that we can't do something and how this thinking affects us in our decisions we make in life. Why we are negative people and not from nature positive and how to influence that. So stay tuned for more and more content that will be posted on this blog soon.

Hope you enjoyed the little story and maybe could find some inspiration in it.

Don't forget to follow Dr. Cesar Parra. He's accounts are again linked below:

Dr. Cesar Parra Dressage (formally Piaffe-Performance) Training with Dr. Cesar Parra
Dr. Cesar Parra Dressage (formally Piaffe-Performance) and his team provide full-service dressage horse training tailored based on the needs of the individual horse and rider. Dressage Horses



Beautiful holidays to everyone and thank's to Dr. Cecar Parra for the amazing conversation!