Your real potential... | Who you could have been - David Goggins

Some years ago I stumbled over an Interview that made me think about our potential, our limits in live and what we can or can't accomplish.

Once more it's an Interview with David Goggins, who already was part of one of my posts earlier on, when I talked about the 40% Rule.

The Comfort Zone...
The comfort zone is an amazing phenomenon. We all have it but not a lot of people know how they can use it to their advantage. In this post I’ll break down what I think how the comfort zone works and how you can use it to build a better

The Interview is all about the right mentality and how he managed to stay motivated even in the face of adversity.

And one part of the Interview really stuck out to me:

Become A Savage & Live On Your Own Terms | David Goggins on Impact Theory

David started talking about that concept of a higher power. Whatever that higher power might be doesn't matter right now. It's more about the idea itself.

He says, when he dies, he will be facing that higher power. Where or whoever that might be. And they have a chart. On that chart is everything written down, that you could and should have had accomplished in your live.

Now imagine going up there. Standing in front of that chart and seeing, on what accomplishments you've mist out on.

You should have been a...

  • Personal health coach
  • Entrepreneur
  • Marathon runner
  • in good shape
  • 90 kilos in weight
  • .....

And you are standing in front of that chart... overweight with 150 kg, had a beneath average job, weren't really happy, had to work in a 9 to 5 Job that you hated...

But now you see, what you could have accomplished if you would have just given it your all. If you would have just pushed more, if you would have given it your all, you could have had a total different life.

Everything is possible!

Obviously we don't know if such a chart even exists. But it's an amazing tool to keep us going even when we don't feel like it. The knowledge that we can accomplish more and we are meant to be and do more with our life is empowering enough.

I even want to take that thought a little further. I say you should create your own chart. Have a vision, a chart, on what you want to accomplish in your life. Those might be crazy goals and for right now those goals might seem never ever possible to reach, but thats exactly what makes a vision a vision.

Create your own chart, with the live you want to life and how you want it all to play out. In the end you only know if something is achievable when you've tried it.

My aspect is, that you should at least try. Then you know that you have tried and you have no regrets. But when you doesn't even bother to try, you'll be regretting that in the future for sure.

And who knows, maybe your life will evolve into something you could have never ever imagined. But for that you have to try and give it your all.

So just try! :)

Otherwise your life is over and you wish you would have done more when you had the time for it.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks post and maybe could take out some inspiration!

As always till next week and thank you for reading and sharing :)